vineri, 22 iunie 2012

Trecut şi prezent...

Azi e 22 iunie 2012, deci a trecut şi solstiţiul de vară. Cea mai lungă zi din an a fost una dintre cele mai călduroase, dar cred că toate lumea ştie asta, nu-i aşa? Nu sunt aici să prezint rubrica meteo. Sunt mulţi oameni care ar putea să facă asta într-un mod profesionist şi multe site-ui (precum pe care se poate vedea prognoza pe mai multe zile.

Dar asta nu contează prea mult.

Aceste cuvinte, trecut şi prezent, pot să fie începutul unui mare şi frumos text filosofic despre trecerea iremediabilă a vremii peste noi şi alte lucruri care mai de care mai complicate sau a unui text istoric despre o anumită personalitate sau întâmplare.

Da, este într-o oarecare măsură vorba despre istorie, dar nu numai.

Când spun Catalonia, la ce vă gândiţi prima dată? Eu cred că la FC Barcelona, Lionel Messi, Pep Guardiola şi la altele care au legătură cu fotbalul. Dar de "Llibre Vermell de Montserrat" nu cred că aţi auzit prea mulţi. Aceasta este o colecţie de manuscrise din secolele XIV-XV, care se găseşte la Santa Maria de Montserrat, o abaţie benedictină localizată pe muntele Monserrat din Catalonia. În această abaţie există o statuie a Fecioarei Maria cu Pruncul, amândoi cu pielea neagră. Statuia a fost numită Fecioara din Montserrat şi puteţi să o admiraţi în poza de mai jos.

O statuie foarte frumoasă şi specială, datorită căreia Papa Leon al XIII-lea a făcut-o, în 1881, pe Fecioara Maria, patroana abaţiei. Legenda spune că, la început, călugării benedctini au dorit să mute statuia pentru a construi abaţia, însă nu au putut să o mute. Astfel, au decis să o construiască în jurul ei. Sanctuarul statuii se găseşte în spatele capelei, unde un altar de aur înconjoară icoana, care a devenit un loc vizitat de pelerinii care vin în zonă.

Revenind la "Llibre Vermell de Montserrat", această colecţie cuprinde nu doar texte devoţionale, ci, printre altele, şi melodii din Evul Mediu târziu. Una din aceste melodii este "Stella splendens", o capodoperă pentru toţi iubitorii de frumos din lumea asta. Compozitorul este necunoscut, dar asta nu şterge cu nimic din valoarea acestei compoziţii care în zilele noastre a fost cântată de multe trupe şi mulţi cântăreţi, printre care şi Blackmore's Night, trupa formată de Ritchie Blackmore, unul dintre cei mai mari chitarişti ai muzicii rock, şi soţia lui, Candice Night. Melodia trupei a cărei inspiraţie a fost "Stella splendens" se numeşte "Locked within a crystal ball" şi face parte de pe albumul "Secret Voyage", apărut în 2008.

Stella Splendens

Blackmore's Night - Locked within a crystal ball

Arta există peste tot în jurul nostru, în atâtea forme şi forme. Bucuraţi-vă de ea!


joi, 21 iunie 2012

Dark blue

-I lied to people and to myself way too much for so many years. I thought that mankind still stands a chance, that people still know to think on their own, not just manipulated by psychopathic leaders who want nothing but to kill and destroy all that’s good in this world. Damn, I wished for all this to change, but I was wrong. So terribly wrong... And I’m sick of trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel, I’m sick of being optimistic about the future of mankind. There is no hope, do you understand that? It doesn’t exist!
She said all this loudly as if she was a leader of a big people in this world. It was obvious for anybody that was listening to her that she had suffered a lot in her life. She may have tried to get past all the things she’s been through, but there was always something that made her turn back to where she was before. But still, he couldn’t blame her. She was right to feel sick of all the things that were happening in the world, of all the wars that were being fought between nations or inside her heart. He stood there, just looking at her, for a few minutes. She was as beautiful as the first time he saw her: a young girl with black hair, black clothes, white skin, pink lips and the most beautiful face he had ever seen in his life. He thought there couldn’t be a more beautiful person in the whole world, but the most special thing about her was the colour of her eyes. They were dark blue, like the sky is at sunset every day. Still, this was not the only thing that was special about her. There were a lot more than anyone could ever imagine.
-You know... You are the first person from outside that I invite down here, she said after being silent for five minutes.
-Yes, I figured that.
-I hope you know what that means. Lately I’ve been going out of here, but this didn’t happen so often before. I lived 90 % of my life down here. No school, no friends, no real life, just me, my mother and the darkness in this place. Why are we living down here, you may ask. Well, let’s see. It happened not so long ago...

vineri, 15 iunie 2012

I'm still here!

First of all, I have to say "Happy New Year". This may seem so six-months-ago, but time seems to have passed with too much ease. But still, it's 2012 so this is a very normal thing to happen. You remember last year like it was yesterday. I guess it's easier for me to say this, as I've not entered college. Yet. I'm going to try and do this the following weeks, even though it won't be an usual college life. I won't be leaving my town (and I have to say that I'm very happy I'm not). I don't really care how hard it's going to be as long as I'm going to do what I like: learn history. Maybe I'm also going to write history. Who knows what future will hold for me? :D

Yes, I'm back. And I will try to write as much as my inspiration tells me to.

Pace & Love