luni, 6 octombrie 2008

"Hate" or "Cei care au uitat sa iubeasca"

You see me, you hate me...just like that, but have you ever asked yourself why do you do this? No, because it's not important for you, is it? An old song said: "So with different colors and with different greeds / And different people have different needs / It's obvious you hate me, though I've done nothing wrong / I've never even met you, so what could I have done?". Like this old song said, you don't need a reason to hate; it's all in your spirit. You feed yourself with hate, even though we're all made out of love. Here comes the sad thing. Nobody knows God. Some people believe in God, some in Buddha, some in Allah, but nobody knows his Divinity. Some of us may never get to know our Divinity, but one thing is for sure: that Divinity didn't make us out of hate. If God didn't love us, then He wouldn't have given us the freedom to choose between Good and evil. If God loved us, if Jesus loved us, so why shouldn't we love each other? Maybe we're not perfect, maybe we are not meant to be perfect, but we don't have to be perfect to love. Sadly, more and more people forget to love.

De ce se intampla asta? Cauzele sunt foarte numeroase, dureroase chiar, daca ar fi sa spun toate aceste cauze, mi-ar trebui ceva mai multe zile. E o durere groaznica sa nu iubesti. Simti ca totul in jurul tau se destrama, incepi sa te uiti piezis la orice cuplu fericit. De ce se intampla asa? Chiar nu exista pereche pentru oricine? Ajungi la un moment dat chiar sa crezi asta. Pana la urma toti meritam dragoste, pentru ca, asa cum ziceam, existam din dragoste.
Cei care au uitat sa iubeasca ar trebui sa faca o simpla comparatie:
Cel ce uraste vede lumea gri, cel ce iubeste poate fi si optimist
Cel ce uraste simte cum fiecare organ i se macina, cel ce iubeste simte fluturi in stomac
Cel ce uraste este violent si moracanos, cel ce iubeste este amabil si poate socializa mult mai usor
Cel ce uraste nu va simti iubirea divina, cel ce iubeste ar acces la orice tip de iubire
Foarte greu de ales, intr-adevar. Dar suntem oameni, nu? E mult mai usor sa urasti, sa barfesti, sa spui vorbe grele, in loc sa iubesti, sa fii amabil si sa vorbesti frumos. E greu...insa nu imposibil.
Nu suntem perfecti, poate ca nu am fost facuti pentru a fi perfecti, insa nu trebuie sa uitam sa iubim.

In every single second of your life, think that you've got a guardian angel that loves you and wishes you the best. Try not to hurt him.

Faith & Love,

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